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Pitching The Daily Brew Coffee at Fenton's Shark Tank 2018

I had the experience of a lifetime pitching my business at Fenton Shark Tank. Sharing the story behind my journey as an entrepreneur was amazing and well received. I know a lot of family and friends couldn't make it but we have video footage of my entire pitch. 

Growing up with both parents being entrepreneurs, I had only one path ahead, follow in the footsteps of my father. My dad passed away before passing the torch to me and I had to trek my own journey without him. 

My grandmother was so amazing. She was the first person to allow me to drink coffee each morning in Kiblah, Arkansas. She showed me that serving was apart of our everyday routine. I incorporated the service as a core value in my life and in business. 

I currently serve as a 'Pop Up Barista' for events with our coffee. In 2019, we are going to introduce tea to our roster of beverages. The hurdle we want to get over is an espresso machine to create delicious lattes. 

I didn't win and secure the funds to purchase the latte machine I hoped to have by now but we are not giving up yet. 

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1 comment

Penny / Dec 17, 2018 at 07:05

I am from Kiblah are should I say I live in Kiblah. I think you’re in my family tree. Continue much success in my God-bless you

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